We have a lot of different question types you can choose from when building your waiver. To make changes to your questions or add and remove questions, use your Wherewolf Assistant Waiver Editor or contact support@getwherewolf.com
Our question types are:
This will allow the guest to select more than one option from a menu, such as medical conditions or additional equipment options.
This will allow the guest to select one option from a menu, such as indicating their experience level.
Text entry:
This will ask the guest to type in a response, such as asking them to detail any dietary requirements. Because it is a freeform text field, we cannot provide reporting on these responses.
Numeric entry:
This will capture guest's phone numbers using a keypad
Date entry:
This will require a date to be entered, such as for date of activity or birthdate. The format (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY) is determined by the device settings.
Email entry:
This page only accepts email addresses, and will not let the guest continue until an email address of a standard format is entered.
Yes or No:
This is a binary option between Yes and No
Yes or No List:
If you have many yes or no questions, such as a list of medical conditions, we can include these on a single page.
File Upload:
The guest can upload a file or two files, such as a certificate or the front and back of their ID, to their waiver.
If you require more information after any of these selections, we can add in a second page for a Text Entry for the guest to add additional information.
We ask one question per page, allowing your waiver to "validate" the answers provided as they go.
This means your guests can't proceed past the current page until they have completed the current question in an acceptable format.
We have waiver page types detailed on a separate help guide here.
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