Guest waivers could be updated with new details after the waiver has been submitted. In this scenario, Wherewolf keeps the previous version on file for you and proceeds with the new, updated version. You can find and retrieve previous versions of waivers any time.
Examples of these changes might be adding equipment rentals to a guests record, or changing the waiver status. With each saved update, a new waiver is created and the old one is stored away. This is to ensure liability protection – Wherewolf can provide you with 100% visibility into each guest's journey through your waiver platform so you can replicate each stage of agreement.
To download the full history of a guest's waivers, operators can use the Export Audit tool.
This will download all versions of waivers for that guest.
First, go to your dashboard and locate the guest:
Visit your Wherewolf dashboard and find the guest you wish to audit – either in your Daily Manifest tools or using the Booking Search function.
Once you've found the guest, open the record editor by clicking 'More' in that guest's row:
Next, click "Export Audit" at the top of the page:
Click the 'Export Audit' button at the top right of your page. A pop-up will appear with the number of waivers for that guest, and an email with a link to download these PDF's will automatically be sent. This email is sent to the email of the user you've logged in as.
The downloaded file will include the different waiver versions, one for each update that was made.
Each waiver is assigned a number upon submission to the database – the older a waiver, the lower its number will be.
1) You can use the numbers to determine what order the waivers were submitted in – they'll look like this:
2) In the PDF, the 'Audit Datetime' will show the date that changes to the guest record were saved.
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